skull University of Minnesota
Anthropolgy Labs



This page provides SAS routines for performing various statistical functions related to landmark-based morphometric analyses. Along with each routine is an accompanying README file with a general description of the algorithm as well as line-by-line annotation of the code for those who wish to make modifications. Note that many of the functions provided here can also be more easily accomplished using freely available software packages that provide bibliographic documentation and help files. Thus, these files are not for performing routine data analysis but rather are intended for those researchers who require the analytical flexibility to craft their own research designs. Use or modifications of the routines can be cited following the format given here.

All SAS Routines currently posted are designed to work with the sample dataset, also provided on this page. These data were collected by me and are provided here to help facilitate the use and understanding of the routines. Researchers are welcomed to incorporate these data in actual analyses, but I request that you inform me of your intent (solely for my personal record-keeping). A short description of the data and the data format can be found here.

Click here for SAS routines

If you have any questions about or notice problems with these files, please send me an email to that effect. Additionally, there are many routines I have written that are not yet "cleaned up" for public consumption. So, let me know if you are looking for other types of analyses—I may have something appropriate in the archives. Finally, I will gladly post SAS code written by other researchers; just email me the appropriate files.


Contact Info

Sample Dataset

SAS Routines

Citation Format